Alicia malesani biography

alicia malesani biography

Illustrations by Alicia Malesani | Inspire We Trust

    Alicia Malesani is an Argentine naturalized Spanish illustrator, lives and works between Madrid and Valencia (beautiful and rich of inspirations).
Alicia Malesani è un'illustratrice argentina che vive e lavora tra Madrid e Valencia ha collaborato nel campo dell'editoria come art.
The illustrations from Alicia Malesani are perfect and well designed with a certain something of retro.
book Illustrateur, Fashion-Editorial-Textile.

Soloillustratori: Alicia Malesani - Blogger

    Alicia Malesani, fashion and advertisement illustrator was born in Argentina and nationalized Spanish.

alicia malesani biography1

  • Illustrations by Alicia Malesani are well-designed and with some I don't know 'cause retro's.
  • Alicia Malesani - ILLUSTRATOR in Valencia, Spain - Behance

  • Hélène Cayre - Marie Bastille.
  • The illustrations from Alicia Malesani are perfect and well designed with a certain something of retro. You can tell a lot about her experiences but, reading her bio, I was struck by the fact that she started her career in the fashion world as textile designer before joining permanent in the world of illustration.

    As if to say that not always a career is formed in a short time. Sometimes you have to discover your passions with time and refine the necessary ability to evolve and explore new fields. Seems like a good example of “work on yourself”.

    Alicia Malesani is an Argentine naturalized Spanish illustrator, lives and works between Madrid and Valencia (beautiful and rich of inspirations). That began her career as an illustrator she worked in publishing as art director with big brands like Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and Marie Claire, just to name a few.

    I particularly like the fact that, unlike other illustrators who use watercolors, Malesani contours her figures.

    alicia malesani biography3

      Alicia Malesani, fashion and advertisement illustrator, was born in Argentina and nationalized Spanish.

    Green leaves I — Alicia Malesani

  • Alicia Malesani.
  • Alicia Malesani - Behance

    Chrysanthemum - Alicia Malesani

  • Alicia Malesani, fashion and advertisement illustrator was born in Argentina and nationalized Spanish.
  • alicia malesani biography5

      Alicia Malesani Disegnatrice di moda e pubblicitaria, è nata in Argentina, ma è nazionalizzata spagnola e vive tra Madrid e Valencia.