Autobiography of pen in 2000 words paper

autobiography of pen in 2000 words paper

Autobiography of a pen 2000 words -

    When I initially started as a pen, she used to clean me using a handkerchief every evening and she would place me back into the strong, weather protectant pen cover every single night without fail.

Autobiography of a Pen [PDF] - English Compositions

    Thus, Culture and literature of human civilization are so much dependent on us.
autobiography of a tree AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A PENCIL - Free download as Word Doc .doc), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free.
autobiography of pencil for class 1 Visa Guide: Autobiography of a Bridge (Howrah Bridge) [2000 Words] Then after a few days, I got to know what the entire situation was as the girl narrated the story to her elders.
autobiography example for class 5 In this video, I have shared Essay On the Autobiography Of A Pen In English.

Autobiography Of A Pen - Mr Greg's English Cloud

  • I am what people call me as paper.
  • Autobiography of a Pen [PDF] - English Compositions

  • Autobiography of Pen. I am a pen; though I am so small in size, I can accomplish big things.
  • Autobiography of a Book [2000 Words] - English Compositions

    Autobiography of a pen within 2000 words -

      I was born at a pen factory a few years ago.

    Essay on Autobiography of a Pen for Students of All Ages

  • One day a young boy came to buy a pen in this store.
  • Autobiography of a pen within 2000 words -

  • Generally, an average pen has the ink to write 45, words.
  • Essay on “Autobiography of a Pen” for Students in English

      Autobiography of Pen. I am a pen; though I am so small in size, I can accomplish big things.


    A pen is our daily mate, today we in this autobiography presentation, we are covering the topic an autobiography of a pen, I hope you like this presentation.

    This Autobiography is Formatted For Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Class 10 | Class 11 | Class 12

    I am the quintessential birthday gift that one receives at least once in their life. I am a blue ink ballpoint Parker pen who has a dark green and gold cover from the outside.

    I have an unlimited shelf life guarantee and whenever you write so much that my ink gets over, please do not think twice before buying a refill and using it again because I believe that some luxuries are meant to be had.

    I start off every day in some new places. I believe life is a journey full of adventures and surprises about what is to come next. Some days, you will find me patiently standing on the pen stand by the study table.


    Some days, you will find me lying on top of some paperwork k