Doc holliday football biography book

doc holliday football biography book

Doc Holliday: The Life And Legend Hardcover – January 1, 2006

  • Roberts, an authority on western history, takes on John Henry Holliday, legendary gunman, drinker, gambler and dentist (hence "Doc"), best known for some adroit shooting at the OK Corral on October 26,
  • According to Kate: The Legendary Life of Big Nose Kate, Love ...

  • Roberts, an authority on western history, takes on John Henry Holliday, legendary gunman, drinker, gambler and dentist (hence "Doc"), best known for some adroit shooting at the OK Corral on October 26,
  • Doc Holliday - Wikipedia

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    The World of Doc Holliday: History and Historic Images

  • This book is the story of Red Dawson's involvement with Marshall football during the last near half century spent living with the memories of the worst sports-.
  • Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend

    Acclaim for Doc Holliday

    "Splendid . . . not only the most readable yet definitive study of Holliday yet published, it is one of the best biographies of nineteenth-century Western 'good-bad men' to appear in the last twenty years. It was so vivid and gripping that I read it twice."
    --Howard R. Lamar, Sterling Professor Emeritus of History, Yale University, and author of The New Encyclopedia of the American West

    "The history of the American West is full of figures who have lived on as romanticized legends. They deserve serious study simply because they have continued to grip the public imagination. Such was Doc Holliday, and Gary Roberts has produced a model for looking at both the life and the legend of these frontier immortals."
    --Robert M. Utley, author of The Lance and the Shield: The Life and Times of Sitting Bull

    "Doc Holliday emerges from the shadows for the first time in this important work of Western biography. Gary L. Roberts

    Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend book by Gary L. Roberts

    The Saga of Doc Holliday (3 book series) Kindle Edition

  • John Henry Holliday better known as Doc Holliday, was an American dentist, gambler, and gunfighter who was a close friend and associate of lawman Wyatt Earp.
  • Doc Holliday: The Life And Legend by Gary L. Roberts - Goodreads

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    Legends of the West: The Life and Legacy of Doc Holliday

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    Book overview.
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    The Illustrated Life and Times of Doc Holliday by Bob Boze Bell (Paperback) ; Est. delivery.

    Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend - Google Books

      In Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend, the historian Gary Roberts takes aim at the most complex, perplexing, and paradoxical gunfighter of the Old West, drawing on more than twenty years of research-including new primary sources-in his quest to separate the life from the legend.