Giovanni maria trabaci biography
Canzona franzesa Settima cromatica (Trabaci, Giovanni Maria)
- Giovanni Maria Trabaci (ca.
Giovanni Maria Trabaci - The Kennedy Center
Giovanni Maria Trabaci - ChoralWiki - CPDL
Giovanni Maria Trabaci - Wikipedia
Giovanni Maria Trabaci
Italian composer
Giovanni Maria Trabaci (ca. 1575 – 31 December 1647) was an Italian composer and organist. He was a prolific composer, with some 300 surviving works preserved in more than 10 publications; he was especially important for his keyboard music.
Trabaci was born in Montepeloso (now Irsina, near Matera). Nothing is known about his early life. On 1 December 1594 he was appointed tenor at Santissima Annunziata Maggiore in Naples, but already in 1597 he must have been known as an organist and organ expert, because he was invited that year to test the organ of Oratorio dei Filippini. He served as organist there for a while, and then became, in 1601, organist to the Spanish viceroys at the Chapel Royal of Naples. The second organist was Ascanio Mayone, and Giovanni de Macque was maestro di cappella. Trabaci succeeded Macque in 1614 after the latter's death, and held the post for the rest of his life. Between 1625 and 1630 he also
Giovanni Maria Trabaci Songs, Albums, Reviews,... | AllMusic
- Giovanni Maria Trabaci (Montepeloso, – Napoli, 31 dicembre ) è stato un compositore e organista italiano, attivo durante la prima era barocca.
Giovanni Maria Trabaci was an Italian composer and organist. | |
Giovanni Maria Trabaci (ca. | |
He was born in 1575 and in 1594 was appointed a tenor singer in Naples at the church of SS Annunziata. |
TRABACI, Giovanni Maria - Enciclopedia - Treccani
Category:Trabaci, Giovanni Maria - IMSLP
Giovanni Maria Trabaci Discography | Discogs
- Trabaci, Giovanni Maria, eminent Italian organist and composer; b.
Trabaci, Giovanni Maria -
- Giovanni Maria Trabaci (Montepeloso, 1575 – Napoli, 31 dicembre 1647) è stato un compositore e organista italiano, attivo durante la prima era barocca.