Gottfried lindauer biography examples

gottfried lindauer biography examples

Gottfried Lindauer - Wikipedia

    Gottfried Lindauer, also known by the Czech name Bohumír, was born on 5 January , at Pilsen (Plzeň), Bohemia.

The Artist Gottfried Lindauer

    Gottfried Lindauer (5 January 1839 – 13 June 1926) was a Czech and New Zealand painter.
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  • Gottfried Lindauer, also known by the Czech name Bohumír, was born on 5 January 1839, at Pilsen (Plzeň), Bohemia.
  • Tamati Waka Nene - Gottfried Lindauer — Google Arts & Culture

      Gottfried Lindauer (5 January – 13 June ) was a Czech and New Zealand painter.

    Gottfried Lindauer

    Czech and New Zealand artist

    Gottfried Lindauer (5 January 1839 – 13 June 1926) was a Czech and New Zealand painter. He was famous for his portraits, including many of Māori people.

    Czech life and Austrian school

    He was born Bohumír Lindauer in Plzeň (Pilsen), Bohemia, Austrian Empire (now part of the Czech Republic) on 5 January 1839.[1] His father, Ignatz Lindauer was a gardener. His first drawing experience was plants and trees. From 1855 Lindauer studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, where he took classes of Leopold Kupelwieser, Joseph von Führich and Professor Rohl.[1][2] To increase his chances on the market, he decided to change his name from the Czech Bohumír to the German translation of his name, 'Gottfried'. From his studio in Plzeň he created paintings with religious themes for churches and painting frescoes in the Cathedral churches of Austria.[1] His paintings attracted people, particularly

    gottfried lindauer biography examples5

      Gottfried Lindauer (), along with C.F. Goldie (), was the most prolific and best-known painter of Māori subjects, in particular portraits, in the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries.

    Gottfried Lindauer and Henry Partridge: A Timeline

  • Gottfried Lindauer.
  • Dictionary of NZ Biography — Gottfried Lindauer

  • Gottfried Lindauer, also known by the Czech name Bohumír, was born on 5 January 1839, at Pilsen (Plzeň), Bohemia.
  • Gottfried Lindauer (1839-1926), along with C.F. Goldie (1870-1947), was the most prolific and best-known painter of Māori subjects, in particular portraits, in.
    Gottfried Lindauer (1839-1926), along with C.F. Goldie (1870-1947), was the most prolific and best-known painter of Māori subjects, in particular portraits, in the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries.
    Gottfried Lindauer's (1839-1926) reputation peaked in the first decade of the twentieth century.

    The Materials and Techniques of Gottfried Lindauer

  • He was born in Pilsen (today Plzen), Bohemia, as the son of Hynek-Ignatz Lindauer, a gardener, and his wife Maria Schmid.