Jean claude rouget biography examples

jean claude rouget biography examples

Jean Claude Rouget Profiles - Facebook

  • Born 62 years ago in Normandy, where his father Claude was managing a Thoroughbred stud farm, Jean-Claude Rouget showed more interest in racing.
  • Rouget: 'It's My Premiere Passion to Buy Yearlings, Maybe ...

      Jean-Claude Rouget (born in Normandy) is a French Thoroughbred horse trainer and former jockey.

    Rouget's Incredible Run - Thoroughbred Daily News

  • Jean-Claude Rouget (born in Normandy) is a French Thoroughbred horse trainer and former jockey.
  • Jean-Claude Rouget - Trainer - Horse Racing Nation

  • 2022 marks the sixth year of Jean-Claude Rouget's satellite stables at Deauville in Normandy after decades spent in the south-west of France based in Pau.
  • Jean-Claude Rouget - QIPCO British Champions Series

      Jean-Claude Rouget is the son of leading trainer Claude Rouget.
    claude joseph rouget de lisle Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle was a French army officer of the French Revolutionary Wars.
    who wrote the french national anthem marseillaise Jean-Claude Rouget is the son of leading trainer Claude Rouget.
    the history of the national anthem Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle was the author of “La Marseillaise,” the French national anthem.

    Les débuts de Jean Claude Rouget

    Jean Claude Rouget : des débuts à Pau

    Jean Claude Rouget, l'un des entraîneurs de chevaux les plus éminents de France, n'est pas né dans un haras ni une famille de jockeys, mais à Pau. Très jeune, il se passionne pour les chevaux et les courses. C'est là, dans le sud-ouest de la France, qu'il commence à fréquenter les champs de courses, admirant les jockeys et les écuries. Pau est souvent sous-estimée dans le microcosme des courses, mais Rouget ne s'en est jamais soucié. Il raconte souvent comment cette ville l'a forgé et préparé pour de plus grands défis. En , à tout juste 25 ans, Rouget obtient sa licence d'entraîneur. Ce serait un chemin semé d'embûches, mais sa détermination et sa passion étaient irrévocables. Il lance son écurie à Pau, loin des grands centres d

    Galop - La collaboration Reynier/Rouget compromise - Paris-Turf

  • Born 62 years ago in Normandy, where his father Claude was managing a Thoroughbred stud farm, Jean-Claude Rouget showed more interest in racing when his father started to train horses in the west of France at the age of
  • The day a hotshot trainer from the provinces was accepted as ...

    French Racing - Jean-Claude Rouget | Racing and Sports

      Born 62 years ago in Normandy, where his father Claude was managing a Thoroughbred stud farm, Jean-Claude Rouget showed more interest in racing when his father started to train horses in the west of France at the age of

    Jean-Claude Rouget: French jockey (1953-) | Biography, Facts ...

      Jean-Claude Rouget horse racing results, news, notes, top horses, biography, stakes, photos, and comments.