John dirk walecka biography of william

john dirk walecka biography of william
John Dirk Walecka ; Born, () Ma (age 92).
John Dirk Walecka, often quoted as J. Dirk Walecka (born Ma) is an American theoretical nuclear and particle physicist.
John Dirk Walecka was born in Milwaukee, WI in He received his BA degree from Harvard in and his Ph.D.

Walecka, John Dirk, 1932- - AIP

  • Biography.
  • John Dirk Walecka

    American theoretical physicist

    John Dirk Walecka, often quoted as J. Dirk Walecka (born March 11, 1932) is an American theoreticalnuclear and particle physicist. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society[1] and the author of numerous textbooks in physics. Walecka is currently the Governor's Distinguished CEBAF Professor of Physics, Emeritus at the College of William and Mary.[2]


    Walecka studied at Harvard University as an undergraduate, reviving a Bachelor of Arts in 1954,[2] and received his doctorate in 1958 under Victor Weisskopf at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[3] Walecka moved to Stanford University in 1959, where he was made Assistant Professor in 1960, upon completing his NSF fellowship, and Professor in 1966. From 1977 to 1982 he was head of the physics faculty and from 1987 he holds the title of Emeritus Professor of Physics.[4] From 1986 to 1992 he was the scientific dir

    John Dirk Walecka - Wikipedia

      John Dirk Walecka, often quoted as J. Dirk Walecka (born Ma) is an American theoretical nuclear and particle physicist.

    John Dirk Walecka - Wikipedia

      Biography Abstract.
    Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics - John Dirk ...

    John Dirk Walecka - Wikidata


    John Dirk Walecka - Wikiwand

  • New York: Oxford University Press, ยท ils:yul ; Quantum theory of many-.
  • J. Dirk Walecka | Jefferson Lab - Thomas Jefferson National ...

  • J.
  • Introduction To General Relativity by John Dirk Walecka | PDF

  • J.
  • John Dirk Walecka's research works | William & Mary ...

      John Dirk Walecka, American Physics educator.