Matthias matussek biography examples
Matthias Matussek: It was a big summer in Germany. | |
Matthias Matussek, Jahrgang , studierte an der FU-Berlin Literaturwissenschaften und absolvierte die Münchner Journalistenschule. | |
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Diogenes Verlag - Rights - Authors
Yet Another German Journalist Makes a Discerning Critique of Pope Francis
The string of eloquent German journalists who have gradually lost patience with Pope Francis does not seem to stop. Now we have another well-known and honorably independent journalist, Matthias Matussek, who has added his own name to the list of reflective papal critics. Matussek, who is an eloquent Catholic conservative critic and book author, currently writes for the well-established Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche and the German magazine FOCUS.
In the 12 April (14/) issue of Die Weltwoche – which displays on its cover a picture of Pope Francis himself sitting on a swinging wrecking ball – Matussek characterizes Francis as gratuitous, appealing, chumming up and says that this pope reminds us less and less of a Pontifex Maximus. With reference to a recent sharp critique of the pope by the British weekly Spectator, Matussek asks: Has the Pope Gone Crazy? and he then proposes to answ
Cormac McCarthy's 1992 Interview with Der Spiegel -
- Born in , Matthias Matussek studied literature and US English in Berlin, and worked as a journalist for the Berlin newspaper ›Abend‹ and for ›Tip-Magazin‹.
Matthias Matussek - IMDb
- Born in , Matthias Matussek studied literature and US English in Berlin, and worked as a journalist for the Berlin newspaper ›Abend‹ and for ›Tip-Magazin‹.
Matthias Matussek - Kurzbiografie
Was bedeutet die Klimahysterie für Deutschland? | Matthias ...
Articles by Matthias Matussek’s Profile | Der Spiegel, Die ...
- Mathias Matussek was born in Münster in , he studied at the Free University Berlin and the German Academy for Journalists in Munich.
Matthias Matussek Profiles - Facebook
"Wer spricht?" LIVE mit Matthias Matussek - YouTube
Matthias Matussek | Author | LibraryThing
- Matthias Matussek was born on 9 March in Münster, Germany.