Samples of short editorials on health

samples of short editorials on health

Editorial Writing Examples & Tips to Share Your Opinion

    After understanding the definition and structure of a short editorial text, you can also increase your insight by looking at some examples that has prepared below: Example 1: Editorial on distance education.

Editorials | Nature Medicine

    After understanding the definition and structure of a short editorial text, you can also increase your insight by looking at some examples that has prepared below: Example 1: Editorial on distance education.

EDITORIAL - Mental health care for all -

  • Short Articles, Spring December 1, November 15, Epilepsy Research By: Jacob Yinger Epilepsy is a disease that 50 million people worldwide suffer from, and 80% of those reside in third world countries with minimal access to healthcare.
  • Short Articles – Berkeley Medical Journal

  • Cancer Remission Like Catherine's Does Not Always Mean the Illness Is Cured · Dementia Cases.
  • health news articles Mental Health and the Intersection of Perceived Discrimination and Social Inequalities Among Students in Germany – a Quantitative Intersectional Study.
    interesting health articles Short Articles, Spring 2022 December 1, 2022 November 15, 2023 Epilepsy Research By: Jacob Yinger Epilepsy is a disease that 50 million people worldwide suffer from, and 80% of those reside in third world countries with minimal access to healthcare.
    health articles for students Women's reproductive years are a time of increased vulnerability to mental health problems.

    5 Examples of short editorial texts accompanied by correct definitions and structures - Editorial is one type of writing that is often found in mass media, both print and digital. This writing usually contains the editorial's opinion or views on current issues that are being hotly discussed. Editorials have an important role in shaping public opinion and providing an in-depth perspective on a problem.

    Writing an editorial requires a good understanding of proper writing structure and style. A good editorial should be able to convey an argument clearly, supported by relevant facts, and presented in persuasive language. A well-organized structure will help the reader to follow the author's train of thought and understand the message he or she is trying to convey.

    For that, has summarized from various sources, Wednesday (18/9) will present 5 examples of short editorial texts accompanied by the correct definition and structure. Each example will

    Editorial Example: Write Compelling Editorials with Expert Tips

      The best writing about staying healthy, medicine and disease -- examples of short articles and essays on health.

    50 op-eds that told the story of 2020 (opinion) - CNN

  • The best writing about staying healthy, medicine and disease -- examples of short articles and essays on health.
  • Editorials - Nature

      Genomics-based newborn screening has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, but new solutions are needed to ensure that the benefits are equitably available.
    5 Examples of short editorial texts accompanied by correct ...


  • The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) is dedicated to the publication of original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the.