[Congressional Record Volume 168, Number 119 (Tuesday, July 19, 2022)] [Senate] [Pages S3358-S3359] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [] Unanimous Consent Request--Executive Calendar Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, today, I rise in support of the nomination of Rita Landgraf for the position of Assistant Secretary for Aging and Administrator of the Administration for Community Living at the Department of Health and Human Services. I have been privileged to know Rita Landgraf for over two decades and to have worked with her when I was Governor of Delaware and in the years since then. She is a longtime Delaware community leader who previously served as cabinet secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, which may be the most challenging job of any cabinet secretary in the State government of Delaware. There, she oversaw State implementation of the Older Americans Act, Medicaid, home- and community-based services, and disabi
In. |
Assistant Secretary for Aging Nominee Announced. |
Rita Fay Campbell. |
Rita Landgraf from the collection of The Delaware Women's ...
As secretary of Delaware's Department of Health and Social Services, Rita Landgraf successfully led one of the State's largest cabinet agencies and expanded community-based services aimed at helping older Americans age in place and people with disabilities live, work, and participate in their communities--exactly the type of work the. Assistant Secretary for Aging Nominee Announced
of spirit, pride and enthusiasm across campus and at all college foot- ball and basketball games. PERSONAL RESUME OF - University of Delaware
as Cabinet Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services from Jan. 22, through Feb. 6 , under Governor Jack Markell's administration.
PERSONAL RESUME OF - University of Delaware
Professor Landgraf served as Cabinet Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services from 2009 to 2017, under Governor Jack Markell’s administration.
Rita M. Landgraf - Leadership Delaware
As Secretary, she led the principal agency charged with keeping Delawareans healthy, ensuring they get the health care they need, and providing children, families, individuals with disabilities, and seniors with the essential services they depend on. Rory Gilmore - Wikipedia
From until she served as Delaware’s Secretary of Health and Social Services under Governor Jack Markell, where she “led the principal agency charged with keeping Delawarean’s health, ensuring they get the health care they need, and providing children, families, individuals with disabilities, and seniors with the essential.
Rita Landgraf -