Shirley temple interview youtube

shirley temple interview youtube

From the archives of The Diane Rehm Show: a special rebroadcast of a 1988 interview with Shirley Temple Black. The child star and former ambassador died last week at age 85.


  • Shirley Temple Black Famous child star of the 1930's and former U.S. ambassador


  • 11:06:54

    MS. DIANE REHMThanks for joining us. I'm Diane Rehm. Back in 1988, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Shirley Temple Black. I was part of the generation who grew up with her movies, had wonderful memories of watching her onscreen. Franklin Delano Roosevelt called her "Little Miss Miracle." Black died last week at age 85. Today, we'll bring you a special broadcast of my conversation, which occurred shortly after the publication of her memoir, "Child Star."

  • 11:07:32

    MS. DIANE REHMYou'll notice my voice sounds very different in this interview, which occurred 10 years before I was diagnosed with Spasmodic Dys

    Shirley Temple meets the MGM Executives - YouTube
    Larry King Live - CNN - October 25, 1988 - Larry King interviews Shirley Temple Black upon the release of her autobiography "Child Star".
    Larry King Live - CNN - October 25, 1988 - Larry King interviews Shirley Temple Black upon the release of her autobiography "Child Star".
    CBS This Morning - CBS - October 25, 1988 - Co-hosts Harry Smith and Kathleen Sullivan interview Shirley Temple Black upon the release of.


  • Larry King Live - CNN - October 25, - Larry King interviews Shirley Temple Black upon the release of her autobiography "Child Star".
  • Shirley Temple ~Christmas Eve 1939 {1} Live Radio ... - YouTube

      From the time she was a little girl, Shirley Temple Black delighted audiences with her wholesome charm, and in 2006, she was honored with the SAG Lifetime Ac.

    30 minutes with Shirley Temple - YouTube

      From the time she was a little girl, Shirley Temple Black delighted audiences with her wholesome charm, and in , she was honored with the SAG Lifetime Achievement award for her large body.

    Shirley Temple in The Wizard of Oz - Rare Footage - YouTube

      ood legend Shirley Temple interviewed on the Michael Parkinson Show in

    Shirley Temple and Annette Funicello at the Oscars® - YouTube

  • From the time she was a little girl, Shirley Temple Black delighted audiences with her wholesome charm, and in 2006, she was honored with.
  • ET's Last Interview With Shirley Temple Black - YouTube

      Interviewed by Larry King, Shirley Temple Black tells of an experience she and her mother had at MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) when she was 12 years old.

    Larry King Live with Shirley Temple Black - YouTube

  • Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.
  • teen shirley temple - YouTube

  • ..Hollywood legend Shirley Temple interviewed on the Michael Parkinson Show in 1972.